
Paths Analytics Dashboard


  • Total paths started: The total number of times a path was started (through user utterances, Events, or Channel route). Paths started includes both the completed and incomplete paths.
  • Paths completed: The total number of times where solutions were successfully provided.
  • Completed paths endpoint breakdown: The type of configured solutions provided by Paths:
    1. API triggered: Users triggered an API
    2. Answers provided: Users are provided with a KB article or a plain text answer
    3. Handoff: Users are given a link to file a ticket through native paths
  • Incomplete paths: The total number of times where:
    1. Solutions were provided but users give negative feedback;
    2. Users stopped interacting with Paths in the middle of the flow;
    3. Users asked for help and created a ticket in the middle of the flow.
  • Employees helped: The unique number of employees who were successfully helped by Paths.