Learning Objectives

In this quickstart, you'll learn to configure an Event and send a "Hello World" message out.

Before you start, make sure...

  1. You have the access to the Events Workspace.
  2. You have an API Key. If you need to create one, see our credentials documentation.

Use Case Overview

Design Pattern: [DP-10] Actionable Updates

Use Case Description: Send PO Approvals with all of the necessary details and a link to take action through the portal.

[object Object]
Moveworks11:43 AM

PO #1234 Requires your Approval
- Requested by: John Smith
- Requested on: 10/26/2023 - 10:03 PDT

Line Items
- Vendor: Logitech
- Cost Center: 0001
- Quantity: 32
- Total cost: $3119.68 USD

Click to Approve or Deny in the portal

Step 1: Create your Event

Creating an Event will generate an Event ID that you will use in your Message API Request. The Event ID is used to track Analytics for that specific use case!

First, click Add Event on the Events Workspace homepage and name your Event.

100create event

After clicking Create Event, you will be taken to the Event details page where you can copy your Event ID.

You will need to plug your Event ID in the Events API Endpoint in Step 3.

200copy eventid

Step 2: Send a Message

Before diving into any workflow tool or code, you should design your message.

Determining what variables you want to bake into the message will help you determine what systems and APIs you need to connect together in order to bring your message to life.


Don't worry about greeting recipients! Our API automatically includes the recipients names at the top of the card

This hidden component is needed for redocly SSR to work properly with Embeded OpenApiTryIt components


Draft your message

Export it to the right format for your tool

Or send your message from here


Connect an Event-triggered Path

Add Buttons, collect user responses, and trigger actions with Connected Paths

Not sure where to start? Check out our Idea Library for the touch of inspiration you need!