[DP-10] Actionable Updates


Employees miss key action items that need to be completed in external portals

What does this pattern do?

Send an actionable alert to users with trackable deep links to measure click through & completion.

iPaaS: Scheduled job that runs once a month at the end of the month.

[object Object]
Moveworks11:43 AM

It's time to prep for month end close! We need your help to ensure our financials accurately represent our business activity.

👉 Please look through your inbox and forward any invoices that may have been missed to ap@moveworks.ai.

👉 We also need your expense reports submitted in Expensify!

Emoji codes are supported across all platforms. Links all work with link tracking analytics.

Example Use Cases

  1. Finance Ask employees to submit any expense reports they need to submit at the end of the month
  2. Recruiting: Run employee referral drives with deep-links to applicant tracking system
  3. Sales: Remind sales representatives to add call summary to notes if not completed within 24 hours

Design Considerations

Design time

  • Must send to user DMs (not channels)
  • Must use our chat markup language (compatible across all surfaces)

Run time

  • Bot will not have context about the notification if notified
  • Bot will provide a wrapped URL which will redirect through Moveworks services for analytics