Action Types

Present a solution to users at the end of a Path. Today, the solution can an Answer, API action, Form or a Handoff. Untitled

Present an ingested answer (KB)

Serve an ingested KB as a solution to a Path. Work with your Customer Success team to ensure your relevant articles are ingested.


Present a text response

Serve a text response with optional markup elements. These will work on any chat platform your employees use.


Present a form

Similar to KBs, ingest & serve your enterprise forms at the end of a Path.


Execute an API

Setup an API as a solution. Reuse an existing connector or setup a new one.


You can use our API configuration guide for advanced API setup details.

Paths buttons can be clicked multiple times.

Note: Path buttons are not "one-off." Users may submit actions multiple times by reclicking.

Present Paths API responses using descriptions

For Paths design patterns, API description is used to create API success / fail messages after API executes. View best practices to write action descriptions.

Present Queries API responses using API labeling

For Queries design patterns, API labeling is used to present specific data from your API to users. View the API labeling guide for details.

Smart handoff

Handoff user's issue to an agent using Smart handoff. Configure your available handoff options with your Moveworks Customer Success team.

All incomplete stories go to smart handoff by default.