System Guides | Mulesoft


MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform™ is the world’s leading integration platform for SOA, SaaS, and APIs. MuleSoft provides exceptional business agility to companies by connecting applications, data, and devices, both on-premises and in the cloud with an API-led approach. By leveraging Anypoint Platform, companies can re-architect their SOA infrastructure from legacy systems, proprietary platforms, and custom integration code to create business agility.

There are a variety of Moveworks skills & creator studio workspaces that customers can integrate with the Mulesoft Anypoint Platform.

Products Leveraged

  1. Anypoint Studio
  2. Exchange
  3. API Designer
  4. API Manager
  5. Anypoint MQ
  6. CloudHub

Integration Patterns & Best Practices

Paths Workspace

To query for structured data in addition to configuring Paths for API calls, Moveworks recommends the following Mulesoft’s recommended approach when building new APIs and automations, which is a “design-first” approach. Starting with API Designer, you can use the UI or write your own OAS code in order to achieve this. Consider the following when building this out:

  1. Ensure all the fields you will need as input from the user are defined here in order to complete the query or path workflow (you can test out the endpoint with the Mocking Service in Anypoint Exchange once you publish your API.):
    1. Consider any user-attribute criteria as well
      1. Any attributes that would be required to make calls to external systems on the user’s behalf
      2. Their email address for sending them a message back via Moveworks API
  2. Once you’ve published your API you can import it into Anypoint Studio. This will build you the scaffolding for which your automation workflow will be built from. In order to test out the ability to send messages back to the user it’s recommended to test this out first. While Moveworks does not have a connector published on the Exchange as of this document, you can use the HTTP Web Connector in order to achieve this. Import the connector and use the authentication credentials provided by your CSM team. You can send a test message to yourself to ensure this connectivity works. By running the application locally you can hit the endpoint on your machine.
  3. Now you can proceed on building the automation or query with the data you will receive from the API call, as well as send a custom message back to the user based on the events or information within the recipe.
  4. Once you’ve deployed the API on-prem or in CloudHub you can use API Manager to secure the endpoint. In MW Creator Studio you can build a connector to use whatever authentication mechanism you chose in API Manager to connect to your MuleSoft API.

Query Workspace

When querying for structured data, it’s common to also use the same design-first pattern as outlined in the Paths workspace section above.

Events Workspace

MuleSoft has several mechanisms for triggering events using their connectors. These are:

  1. Event Based Notifications - For systems that allow real-time event notifications via API without the need to poll, you can trigger them directly from a connector. This is a streaming architecture that will trigger a flow in MuleSoft immediately by receiving a “push” notification from an external system. The Mulesoft Flow can then call the Moveworks Event workspace to deliver a message to the user..
  2. Scheduled Notifications - For systems who’s API does not support push notifications, you can leverage Scheduler. You can poll on periodic time intervals or “cron” jobs to run on specific dates or days.
  3. Queue Based Notifications - Similar to Event Based notifications, certain integrations can push topics to JMS systems or AnypointMQ (MuleSoft’s Queueing products). This would be a case where a “publish-subscribe” architecture would be appropriate. In many situations, if there are a large number of events occurring from one or many systems, the ability to queue is desired to be able to notify users in real time, but run automations in parallel. This also gives you the opportunity to consolidate messages and provide a “digest” capability.

Triggering a flow from one of the options above will provide the framework for setting up events that send messages to employees via the API using the HTTP (Web) connector.