Slot Types
See Question Generation for information on how slots are collected from users in chat
Set up Plugin Workspace Slots
1. Free Input Slot
Plugin Workspace can only collect Free Input from the end user.
You can configure Slots by adding Input Variables
when setting up your Compound Action by going to the Input fields tab
However, the value passed to the Compound Action can be any of the following data types:
— Collects the slot as a string (e.g. "Blue") -
— Collects the slot as a whole number (e.g. 3) -
— Collects the slot as a decimal number (e.g. 2.3) -
— Collects the slot as a booleanTrue
— Collects the slot as the User Object for a specific User- (It will pass all of the attributes listed here for that user)
— Collects the slot as an array of strings (e.g. ["Blue", "Green", "Yellow"] ) -
— Collects the slot as an array of whole numbers (e.g. [1, 2, 3] ) -
— Collects the slot as an array of decimal numbers (e.g. [1.1, 2.2, 3.3] ) -
— Collects the slot as an array of booleans (e.g. [True, False, True] ) -
— Collects the slot as an array of User Objects (e.g. [Lucas Object, Ajay Object, Yatin Object] )
You pass in lists as slots with the following utterances
1 and 2 and 3 1, 2, 3 [1, 2, 3] all numbers 1-3
Set up Paths slots
Your path slot can be 1 of the following types:
- Free Input
- Multiple Choices or
- Date
Slot limit
A maximum of 50 Paths slots can be figured in a Path use case. This is to ensure effective slot extraction in Assistant.
1. Free Input Slot
Remember: Slot names must contain at least 3 character(s).
Note: Path buttons are not "one-off." Users may modify selection by reselecting.
Intake free text user inputs. Best practice to use this for unstructured data.
2. Multiple Choices Slot
Each Choice branches into its own Story & displays as a button. You can add up <= 12 options.
Paths buttons can be clicked multiple times.
Note: Path buttons are not "one-off." Users may modify selection by reselecting.
Proceed with Any
Alternatively if all your multiple choice options intersect in the same Path, you can toggle between merging & splitting them using the Proceed with Any button.
To prevent data loss, option to Proceed with Any is only unavailable for > 1 followup stories.
3. Date Slot
Intake date inputs in natural language (eg. "3rd December", "Next Thursday", etc.). They will get passed to APIs in the Standard ISO 8601 Date format (eg. 2023‐12‐03
- No calendar based date-picker support
- No time support
- No understanding of user locales (02/01 is read as 1st feb)
- Can't understand holidays or events (eg. Labor Day Weekend)
Set up Queries Slot
Query slot allows you to extract a keyword from user conversation.
Use {{query}}
in the API endpoint path, query params, or request body during API configuration to reference the keyword.