Slot Extraction

With Creator Studio, you can teach Moveworks to understand names & IDs in the ways your users request for data.

For example:

  1. "Show me PO123" -> Moveworks can extract 123 and send it to your API.
  2. "Where is the CyberArk office" -> Moveworks can extract CyberArk and send it to your API.

This is called "Slot Extraction" -- where we use large language models to extract "slots" or data from what users say.

Slot asking behavior

Slot skipping behavior controls how the copilot should ask for slots.

You have 2 available configuration options for the question skipping behavior:

  • (default) Allow question to be skipped based on Copilot reasoning
  • Always ask question
question behavior
Only applicable to Copilot

👉 This setting is only applicable for Paths in Copilot questions. In classic, every question is always asked to users.

Allow question to be skipped

This is the default setting. It allows Copilot to auto detect slots from the previous conversation & only ask users questions if the slot values haven't been filled.

slot extraction

Always ask question

While Copilot reasoning is recommended, we recommend switching to always ask questions in the following scenarios:

  • If your slot is sensitive & should NEVER be assumed by Copilot. e.g. a required business justification that users must always type.
  • If you have a large number of slots configured (10+) & Copilot is unexplainably assuming inputs.
  • If during testing certain slots are getting assumed incorrectly by Copilot.

👉 After this setting, Copilot will still infer slots from user responses but it'll make sure users are always asked the questions.

Training Moveworks to recognize your slot


👉 This setting is applicable to Queries in both Classic & Copilot.

On the Triggering and parameters page during your queries configuration, you will need to provide examples and keywords.

slot examples

A few guidelines:

  1. Try to make your examples and keywords different in EACH example.
  2. Make sure the ENTIRE keyword is present in the example. (i.e. the keyword must a substring of the example )