Here, you can find troubleshooting instructions for all errors that happen when sending requests to our REST API.

Issue: Unauthorized error - "Token validation failed"

Possible Cause: Wrong Base URL

To fix: make sure you are hitting the correct endpoint based on the data center your organization uses.

Most customers will use as their base URL.

Possible Cause: Incorrect Token Prefix

To fix: make sure you're including the appropriate prefix for your Authorization headers. For example, if using API key authentication, specify Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE> instead of justAuthorization: <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>.

Issue: BAD_REQUEST error - "One or more fields have an incorrect data-type"

Possible Cause: the recipients list are not put in an array

To fix: wrap the recipients list in an array

  • ie: "email1@moveworks", "email2@moveworks" -> ["email1@moveworks", "email2@moveworks"]

Issue: BAD_REQUEST error - "Parsing of json payload failed : invalid character"

Possible Cause: the emails in the recipients list aren't strings

To fix: cast each email into a string (ie. ["email1@moveworks", "email2@moveworks"])

  • ie: [email1@moveworks, email2@moveworks] -> ["email1@moveworks", "email2@moveworks"]


Possible Cause: The Event ID you are using the Events API call doesn't exist

To fix: Copy and paste directly from Creator Studio to avoid typos.


Possible Cause: The recipients list is larger than 500 emails

To fix: Seperate the recipients list over multiple, back-to-back API Requests

Possible Cause: The message is larger than 20000 characters

To fix: Make your message more concise! See our designing for chat guide for more tips!

Issue: 429 error code

Possible Cause: You sent more than 120 requests/min. This is the Events API rate limit

To fix: Ask Support if it's appropriate to increase your rate limit

Issue: End User not receiving message

Possible Cause: Emails in the recipient list are not valid

To fix: Make sure the recipient list contains each user's full, primary work email

Possible Cause: User is not whitelisted in the Launch Management settings for the Event

To fix: Make sure the user not receiving notifications is added to the whitelist. This may require you to switch "Launch to all users"

Issue: Analytics not appearing for specific use case

Possible Cause: Using incorrect Event ID for the use case you are looking to track

To fix: Make sure you have copy and pasted the correct Event ID into the request(s) this message is being sent from.

Issue: Invalid Slot Keys Error

Possible Cause: Slot Key is not defined for Event ID in CREST

If you see this error, it means that the slot key is NOT DEFINED for the Event ID specified in CREST:

    "error": {
        "code": "INVALID_SLOT_KEYS",
        "message": "Undefined slot keys: ['property2'] for 013d8484-26e7-454e-9de0-eb4bd70bc0a3; slots must be defined in Creator Studio for the specified Event"

To fix:

  1. Find the Event with the specified Event ID, add the slot, and click save Define slot key
  2. Publish the event again Republish event

Possible Cause: Slot Key is defined and not used in the request

If you see this error, it means that the slot key is DEFINED for the Event ID specified in CREST but NOT USED in the request:

    "error": {
        "code": "INVALID_SLOT_KEYS",
        "message": "Missing slot keys: ['property1'] for 013d8484-26e7-454e-9de0-eb4bd70bc0a3; slots defined for the specified Event must be used in the request"

To fix: Add the specified slot to the “slots” object like so:

    "message": "We wanted to notify you of a current Kibana Outage. \nOur IT team is looking into it and will follow up when the issue is resolved.",
    "recipients": [
    "context": {
        "slots":{"property1": "some_data"}