Purple Approval

Click `Create Approval` to create a new Approval Record or copy & paste a previous one in the text box below.

Approval Record

With an Approval ID in the text box above, click Refresh to get the most updated version of your Approval

Approval IDStatusEmail

Waiting for approval record.

Submit Approval Action

Use the POST request below to Approve or Reject your Approval Record. Refresh the Approval Record above to see your updated record.

"action" can either be approve or reject; it is not case sensitive.
curl https://us-central1-creator-studio-demo.cloudfunctions.net/submitApproval \
  -X POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "email": "YOUR_EMAIL",
  "action": "approve"

This hidden component is needed for redocly SSR to work properly with Embeded OpenApiTryIt components
