Field Types

Form Field Types


A field that just renders a descriptive label without any inputs.


A single-select dropdown populated with options.


A multi-select dropdown populated with options.


A single-select dropdown to pick a user. Options are auto-populated with user roster data.

This visually appears just like the SINGLE_OPTION_PICKER.

No need to specify options for this field type.


A multi-select dropdown to pick a user. Options are auto-populated with user roster data.

This visually appears just like the MULTI_OPTION_PICKER.

No need to specify options for this field type.


A single line text field.


A multi-line text field.


An integer or decimal number field.

Note: Numerical fields work by extracting any decimal-like number from an input string. For example, 32 GB will be converted to 32.0 upon submission, or $4.23 would be converted to 4.23.

This is done entirely on the backend and is a best effort submission. There is currently no special UI treatment & they visually behave identically to text fields.


A single checkbox.

Note: The label for a CHECKBOX field cannot be longer than 75 characters. Slack does not support checkbox labels longer than 75 characters.


A date picker. Does not support time.


A date plus time picker. (Note: our Slack integration currently does not support datetime pickers since there is no Block Kit component for datetime pickers.)