[DP-4] Lookup with Followup Action

Limited Preview Feature

👉 This feature is currently in Limited Preview. If you'd like early access, please comment in Moveworks Community to get enrolled.


Users need to act on records after looking them up.

What does this pattern do?

Allow follow up actions after viewing records from an API response.

[object Object]
Gwen11:43 AM

How many days of vacation do I have left?

[object Object]
Moveworks11:43 AM

Sure thing! Here is your Pending Leave Balance:

Pending Leave Balance
Paid Time off: 72 hours
Sick days: 80 hours

Book time off

[object Object]
Gwen11:43 AM

Book time off

[object Object]
Moveworks11:43 AM

When is the start date of your vacation?

[object Object]
Gwen11:43 AM

3th December

[object Object]
Moveworks11:43 AM

I've successfully scheduled your time off.

Example Use Cases

  1. HR: Get time off balance then book time off
  2. Finance: Get invoice then mark it as paid
  3. IT: Get ticket details then add a comment to it

Design Considerations

Design time

  • Can pass slots as context from the query to the path apis.
  • Must return non-200 status code if records are not found
  • Must return a list of records. Each record should be a simple JSON dictionary from API for EACH record. (No embedded lists)
SupportedNot Supported
    { "attribute1": "value1" },
    { "attribute2": "value2" },
    { "attribute1": [{"related_record_id_1": "value1"}, {"related_record_id_2": "value2"}] },
    { "attribute2": "value2" },

Run time

  • Bot will act on a specific record & clarify from list of records.
  • Bot will ask all questions sequentially & will not "shortcut".
  • Bot will support up to 20 records in the list view.