[DP-3] Action Path with Results


Users need to view results of an API action or continue performing additional actions.

What does this pattern do?

Provide results & additional details after a Paths API call.

[object Object]
Gwen11:43 AM

I need to submit a new PO

[object Object]
Moveworks11:43 AM

What's the Purchase Order for?

[object Object]
Gwen11:43 AM

Need to purchase 30 Macbook Airs for new hires joining next month

API call to middleware to:

1. Submit the purchase order in source system:
"po_description": "Need to purchase 30 Macbook Airs for new hires joining next month",
"requestor_email": "gwen@moveworks.ai"

2. Generate tracking link & return with Events API:
"message": "👉 You can track your PO here.",
"recipients": ["gwen@moveworks.ai"]

[object Object]
Moveworks11:43 AM

Got it, I've successfully submitted your Purchase Order request.

Event notification is delivered

[object Object]
Moveworks11:43 AM

👉 You can track PO123 here.

Example Use Cases

  1. Procurement: Show purchase order tracking link after submission
  2. HR: Collect CSAT feedback after user updates information in Workday
  3. Productivity: Show calendar invite after scheduling a meeting

Design Considerations

Design time

  • Must handle chaining Events to a Paths using automation tools.
  • Must send Events follow up after Paths shows user confirmation. May need to delay your Events API call accordingly.

Run time

  • Bot will always show default Paths success / fail confirmations.
  • Bot will ask all questions sequentially & will not "shortcut"