[DP-15] Lookup Multiple Personal Records


Users lose track of activities, tasks, requests, and other records that are relevant to their day-to-day work

What does this pattern do?

Enable users to find their own personal records. You can visualize this as a filter applied on a table like below:

dp 15
[object Object]
Gwen11:43 AM

Who are my direct reports?

Moveworks passes user data to API:

{"user": "gwen@moveworks.ai"}

[object Object]
Moveworks11:43 AM

One moment, fetching your results. This may take ~10 seconds

Philip Kibbey: Director of CS Operations
Sofie Zarrabi: Area Director, Customer Success
[object Object]
Gwen11:43 AM

I want to see Philip's phone number.

[object Object]
Moveworks11:43 AM

Sure thing! Here is Philip's information:

Philip Kibbey: Director of CS Operations
Phone: +1 (555) 999-0000

Example Use Cases

  1. HR: View my direct reports
  2. Time & Expense: View my current flights
  3. Facilities: View my office deliveries

Design Considerations

Design time

  • Must consume user's email address in your automation tools.
  • Must return a list of records from the API. Each record should be a simple JSON dictionary. (No embedded lists)
    SupportedNot Supported
      { "attribute1": "value1" },
      { "attribute2": "value2" },
      { "attribute1": [{"related_record_id_1": "value1"}, {"related_record_id_2": "value2"}] },
      { "attribute2": "value2" },

Run time

  • Bot will not provide any details from the user utterance
  • Bot will automatically generate a record selection experience for user based on the "identifier" of the record.
  • Bot will support up to 20 records in the list view.