Plugin Naming

Plugin names & descriptions are used by your Assistant to understand & reason about your plugin.

Name Plugins

How to write good plugin names & descriptions

  • Write high-quality plugin names & descriptions that are descriptive.
  • Make sure plugin names are unique from other plugins.
  • Don’t set plugin names or descriptions to ‘TEST’ or ‘DEV 123'.
  • Clarify scenarios to use (or not use) the plugin for using the description.

Good examples

Plugin NamePlugin Description
💼 Submit Candidate ReferralRefer talent from your network to join us as employees. Submit technical, non-technical & executive referrals.
🔎 View Purchase Order InvoicesView domestic purchase order invoices from the last 2 weeks. Do not use this for international invoice lookups.
Lookup Stock InformationGet real-time stock data. Make sure you provide the TICKER as an input (e.g. AAPL)

Bad examples

Plugin NamePlugin Description
❌ Referralssubmit referral
❌ [Test] Invoicesshow invoice details
❌ Stocksreturn stock data