Dynamic Flow

Why rule-based automations don't work

With our Message API, you can connect your automations to our Dynamic Flow.

One of the problems with automations today is they don't adapt to your changing environment. One day, your integration may want to lead users to a knowledge article, but the following day, you have a new form that lets them finish the experience all-in-chat.

Furthermore, maintaining all the user-personalization logic is a headache. You have complex access control rules & regional personalization problems to deal with when building automations.

Moveworks solves this with Dynamic Flow.

Designing with Dynamic Flow

As you implement your use case, think about the prompts you want to provide your users. Make sure to entice them to share as much information as possible so we can lead users to the right solution for them.

Example #1: Application Crash Followups

When application crashes occur, different users may have different solutions based on their technical capabilities. Engineers may be able to self-resolve issues, whereas non-technical employees might need a different solution.

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Example #2: Laptop Refreshes

Your employees need different equipment to get their job done. Unfortunately, asset tracking systems like Certero aren't connected to your user-based access controls in your ITSM. Moveworks removes the need to implement complex logic here. Simply let your employees know when it's time for a refresh, and Moveworks will respond with the right forms for the employee.

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Example #3: Disk Degradation

When a disk runs slow, employees can provide some additional context so our personalized search can cover the best possible answers. In this case, Georgia satisfies an access control requirement which allows her to view the "Order New Laptop" form, but Drew is on a loaner so it doesn't make sense to run an automated cleanup.

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